The REVO FC is the first device that is a combination of Spectral Domain OCT, Fundus Camera and optical biometer, enabling imaging of several eye structures using one unit An important area for an enterprise is the distribution of its goodsOptopol REVO FC OCT £24,995 More Info;#escrs21 #ESCRS #technology #software

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Optopol revo fc oct
Optopol revo fc oct-Optopol Revo FC OCT / Fundus Camera A single versatile device featuring high resolution OCT and true colour fundus imaging for time and space efficiency View Product Optopol REVO NX 130 OCT / OCTA The world's fastest OCT at 130,000 Ascans per second!Find out all of the information about the Optopol Technology product OCT ophthalmoscope REVO NX 130 Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale

Products Revo Fc
OCT made simple as never before Position the patient and press the START button to acquire examinations of both eyes The Revo NX, using vocal messages, guides the patient through the process, increasing comfort and reducing patient chair time Short scanning time ensures less fatigue for the patientOptopol Technology 4 hrs Attending ESCRS?Optopol REVO FC The REVO FC is a multipurpose OCT machine that also includes a fundus camera, resulting in a versatile device for your practice Use the REVO FC to provide simultaneous OCT and fundus images, with an advanced optical system that works even on the smallest pupils
We are happy to present a new OCT with a 123MP Fundus camera integrated, from Optopol The REVO FC As usual it's fully automatic and very simple to use More info REVO FC Article in Di Optician's warnings Children looking at screens get eyes like a 40 yr old Read full article here (in Swedish)Optopol Technology Polska, Zawiercie 15 likes 5 talking about this Jesteśmy liderem polskiego rynku urządzeń okulistycznych już ponad 25 lat Firma Optopol powstała w 1992 roku iOnce again Revo NX goes beyond the limits of standard OCT With its new scanning speed, our Revo NX 130 enables a full functionality scanning from the retina to the cornea It brings benefits by combining the potential of several devices With REVO you can measure, quantify, calculate and track changes from the cornea to the retina over time
OPTOPOL modtager pris for innovativ REVO FC OCT REVO FC er et nyt multifunktionelt spectraldomæne OCT, der kombinerer hele funktionaliteten bag REVO 80 OCT med et Funduskamera Det giver OCT i høj opløsning samt true color fundus imaging Alle Optopols OCT er fuldautomatiske udenOptopol REVO FC A new multipurpose REVO FC which combines the complete REVO 80 functionality with a Fundus Camera Product Details Optopol REVO NX 130 The world`s first BOCT and TOCT for standard posterior OCT Product DetailsA single versatile device featuring highresolution OCT and true color fundus imaging for time and space efficiency The builtin camera guarantees excellent image reproduction REVO FC meets all requirements for modern optical tomography

Products Revo Fc

Products Revo Fc
REVO FC offers all proven advantages of REVO systems with a cuttingedge color Fundus imaging for a new level of diagnostic certainty High quality OCT scanning and a comprehensive analysis of the retinal layers combined with a Fundus imaging make the examination versatile as never beforeREVO FC (FUNDUS CAMERA INTEGRATA) OCT spectral domain/Fundus camera Il nuovo REVO FC di Optopol è un OCT combinato con Fundus Camera Un unico strumento versatile che combina le immagini OCT ad alta risoluzione con immagini a colori true color del fondo Le acquisizioni sono totalmente automatiche per Retina, Disco ottico e Segmento anterioreOCT OCT & OCTA analytics software Fundus photography IR external imaging for evaluation of the meibomian glands HaagStreit UK T 44 (0)1279 E solix@haagstreitukcom hsukco/solix SPECTRALIS Multimodal Imaging Platform SPECTRALIS ® is an ophthalmic imaging platform with an upgradable, modular design

Optopol Unveils New Software Release

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Optopol Revo FC OCT / Fundus Camera A single versatile device featuring high resolution OCT and true colour fundus imaging for time and space efficiency View Product Optopol REVO NX 130 OCT / OCTA The world's fastest OCT at 130,000 Ascans per second!REVO FC meets all requirements for modern optical tomographs Fundus Camera with the complete REVO 80 functionality The combination of an AllinOne OCT technology with a Full Color Fundus Camera in one compact system gives you high quality OCT images and a detailed color image for a multipurpose diagnosisOPTOPOL USA is a US subsidiary for Optopol Technologies, one of the leading providers of innovative ophthalmic diagnostic equipment such as the Optopol PTS perimeter and the Optopol REVO 130 OCT Since 01, Optopol Technologies developed and released some of the most innovative products in the industry such as the first spectral domain OCT in the world

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We will be presenting our updated REVO devices, including the REVO FC which now comes equipped with EyeTracking technology Plus, learn about all the new software features for our perimeters!Optopol com manufacturer of the fi rst in the world Spectral Domain OCT FULL AUTO GLAUCOMA ANALYSIS GCL & RNFL ANTERIOR WIDE OCT CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY BIOMETRY OCT FUNDUS ANGIO OCT 3D RETINA CAMERA TRUE COLOR FUNDUS IMAGE Szary CMYK 0 0 0 70 Niebieski CMYK 100 0 0 0 Kolorystyka napisów _rev2Hello friends, We were in search of a good spectraldomain OCT machine which will be of costwise moderate range and will be best suited for our private

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The OCT REVO is the worlds fastest OCT Made by OPTOPOL, the revo is a an efficient and simple machine to useOptopol REVO FC OCT Charops Auto Phoropter New Charops CLM1P Auto Lensmeter Volk ClearPod no contact no fogging Medmont Meridia Professional Face Shield Glasses OptPlus AntiFog Spray MASKit Disposable Eye Patches CLINELL Universal Sanitising Wipes New Charops CRK1P Auto Ref Keratometer0 197 wwwoptopolcom Local Distributor OPTOPOL Technology sp z oo ul Zabia 42, Zawiercie, Poland Tel/Fax 48 32 S info@optopolcom Open the catalog to page 12 All Optopol Technology catalogs and technical brochures

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Products Revo Fc
OPTOPOL REVO NX Spectral Domain OCT is The planet's fastest accessible scanning speed allows for more achievable and more sophisticated exams with the decrease of the scanning periodIt brings benefits for both clinicians and patients by reducing mistakes often brought on by involuntary eye movements Our greatest experience in Spectral Domain OCT allows us toMake sure to stop by the Optopol booth ( #C45) to say hello!Optopol Angiography OCT This noninvasive dye free technique allows the visualization of the microvasculature of the retina Both blood flow and structural visualization give additional diagnostic information about many retinal diseases Angiography scan allows assessment of the structural vasculature of the macula, the periphery or the

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Optopol Oct Fb Eye Equipments
Zudem leistungsstark und kompakt ein OCT, das in jeder Praxis Platz findetREVO FC with Real Time Active Eyetracking LEARN MORE World's Fastest OCT REVO NX 130 PTS 9 LEARN MORE Browse products All products Spectral OCT Perimeters Software modules REVO FC with Real Time hardware EyeTracking REVO NX 130 REVO 80 REVO 60 PTS 9 PTS 925W PTS 00 OPTOPOL Technology Sp z oo All rightsUltrafast Highresolution Angiography capture (sub 3 secs) allows visualisation of the

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Copernicus 80 Oct
REVO FC offers all proven advantages of REVO systems with a cuttingedge color Fundus imaging for a new level of diagnostic certainty High quality OCT scanning and a comprehensive analysis of the retinal layers combined with a Fundus imaging make the examination versatile as never before Optopol Revo FC OCT 'I would recommend that anyone considering a new OCT scanner in 21 seriously look at the Optopol range I have been very impressed with the scan quality, ease of use and comprehensive functionality of the software The Optopol REVO OCT scanners offer very good value for money and a choice of options from entry level toOCT REVO FC NOU!

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OPTOPOL Technology sp z oo ul Żabia 42, Zawiercie, Poland Tel/Fax 48 32 info@optopolcom wwwoptopolcom ver REVO FC 0719 FUNDUS CAMERA OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY Technology Spectral Domain OCT Light source SLED Bandwidth 50 nm half bandwidth Scanning speed 80 000 measurements per secondREVO FC offers all proven advantages of REVO systems with a cuttingedge color Fundus imaging for a new level of diagnostic certainty High quality OCT scanning and a comprehensive analysis of the retinal layers combined with a Fundus imaging make the examination versatile as never beforeSpecificatii tehnice Fundus camera Tip nonmidriatic fundus camera Tip de captura color

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Products Revo Fc
OPTOPOL – Copernicus REVO / Scan/Sec Il Copernicus REVO è il nuovo OCT Spectral Domain Optopol Permette scansioni ad altissima risoluzione in miosi di Retina, Disco ottico e Segmento anteriore – Totalmente automaticoWhat makes the REVO FC truly unique is its nonmydriatic 123 Mpix Fundus Camera integrated into all in one OCT device capable of capturing detailed colour images of ultrahigh quality The REVO FC is fully automated, safe and easy to use The advancedptical system o ensuresigh h quality imaging with a 45° viewing angle Optopol REVO 80 OCT The Optopol REVO 80 provides 80,000 A scans per second It joins the REVO range sitting inbetween the REVO 60 and REVO FC The REVO 80 facilitates the use of the optional Biometry,Topography and Angiography software as the scan time is faster and brings benefits for both clinicians and patients by reducing errors often

Optopol Oct Fb Eye Equipments

Products Revo Fc
Optopol engineering team, designers of the first commercially available Spectral Domain OCT in the World, is proud to present the World's fastest OCT Our supreme experience in Spectral Domain OCT allows us to provide the market with the state of the art instrument, offering advanced technologies and remarkable simplicity of operationOptopol Show Sort By PTS00 Premium Projection Perimeter Add to OCT imaging, as easy as pressing START Add to Wish List Add to Compare REVO 27 ex demonstrator REVO OCT Showroom Condition Add to Wish List Add to Compare REVO FC High Resolution OCT and Fundus Camera Add to Wish List Add to Compare Revo Nx World's fastest OCTThe REVO FC* now comes with a realtime hardware eye tracking function which compensates blinks, loss of fixation and involuntary eye movements during OCT scanning The iTracking function is still available and proves useful while examining patients who find it difficult to maintain fixation

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Optopol SOCT Copernicus REVO OCT No live fundus reconstruction Yes Optional 80,000 Yes Yes 23 W 3 D 549 H 462 Position the patient and press the START button to acquire examinations of both eyes The SOCT Copernicus REVO , using vocal messages, guides the patient through the process, increasing comfort and reducing patient chair timeAll in one OCT device capable of capturing detailed colour images of ultrahigh quality The REVO FC is fully automated, safe and easy to use The advanced optical system ensures high quality imaging with a 45° viewing angle Color Fundus image capture is possible with a pupil as small as 33 mm, with the minimum for OCT put at 24 mmCopernicus REVO FC Anzahl der A und BScans sowie die Größe des Scanbereiches individuell anpassbar und 25 vordefinierte Scanmuster Das MultifunktionsOCT mit integrierter 12 Megapixel Funduskamera!

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OCT Huvitz HOCT1F Optopol Biometry OCT, Software module Optopol Revo 60K Optopol Revo 80K Optopol Revo FC Optopol Revo NX110 Optopol Revo NX130 Tomey Casia 2REVO FC with Real Time hardware EyeTracking We are proud to announce the new multipurpose REVO FC with Real Time hardware EyeTracking which combines the complete REVO 80 functionality with a Fundus Camera A single versatile device featuring high resolution OCT and true color fundus imaging for time and space efficiencyREVO FC jest w pełni zautomatyzowane, łatwe i bezpieczne w użytkowaniu Zaawansowany układ optyczny zapewnia obrazowanie wysokiej rozdzielczości w polu 45° Nowa funkcja „linking" umożliwia przypisywanie pojedynczego zdjęcia fundusu do wielu badań OCT, bez potrzeby wielokrotnego wykonywania zdjęcia

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Trade Fairs Mido Italian Trade Show European Trade show;Optopol REVO FC OCT Scan A new multipurpose REVO FC which combines the complete REVO 80 functionality with a Fundus CameraFind out all of the information about the Optopol Technology product OCT ophthalmoscope SOCT Coperncius REVO Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale

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Optopol REVO 80 OCT £22,995 More Info;Opti Munich Trade Show European Trade show;Small system footprint, various operator and patient positions allow to install SOCT Copernicus REVO even in the smallest examination room Variety of review and analysis tool give the operator a choice of using it as a screening or as an advanced diagnostic device

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Ultrafast Highresolution Angiography capture (sub 3 secs) allows visualisation of theFUNDUS CAMERA What makes the REVO FC truly unique is its integrated nonmydriatic 123 Mpix Fundus Camera into all in one OCT device capable of capturing detailed colour images of ultrahigh quality The REVO FC is fully automated, safe and easy to use The advanced optical system ensures high quality imaging at 45° viewing angleOptopol Technology presents the REVO FC with Real Time hardware EyeTracking featuring redesigned OCT optics and Fundus optical systems to provide a better quality of tomograms and fundus photographs

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Silmo Paris Trade Show European Trade Show;Optrafair Trade show UK based Trade Show;

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